Mass Tarot Society Meeting – 9/17/11 – “Archetypes in Tarot” – Featuring surprise decks!


Led by Keri-Ann Aubin, MTS members reached into Keri’s grab-bag of decks to find unfamiliar ones to work with. Keri led explorations of the same card through the many decks around the table, and participants looked for similarities and differences.

Some of the similarities were explored as archetypes.


Keri-Ann emphasizes the importance of trying to identify the archetypes underlying each image.

Differences led to some interesting discussions about the choices made by the deck’s creators.

Keri spent time arguing for the exploration of archetypes, and once the decks were spread out, the real hunt (and fun) began.


Attending: George, Michelle, Keri-Ann, Carolyn, Paris, Connie, Maureen, and Marcianna.

The energy circle closed the session:

There are still a few openings to the workshops on the 1st and 2nd with Joanna Powell-Colbert. Head over to to find out more.
Carolyn Cushing is starting up her free weekly card meditations. Head over to to find out more.
Recommended books: Tarot Decoded; The Magickal Household
The standard (non-collector’s) version of The Gaian Tarot is now available.
Robert Place is reissuing The Alchemical Tarot Renewed with some updated images (due November).
Members are urged to email Paris ( with photos or scans of Tarot in the world for posting to these pages.
Members are welcome to attend the MTS business meeting 1 hour prior to the regular meeting on Saturdays.
Attendees are urged to bring favorite decks to “show and tell” at the beginning of each meeting.

One response to “Mass Tarot Society Meeting – 9/17/11 – “Archetypes in Tarot” – Featuring surprise decks!

  1. DR from Boston, MA

    It was great to receive this and I’m so sorry I couldn’t come this time. Bet this was soooooo interesting!
    D. from Boston

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